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 .  . Planner is a service of control, management and a complete auditing of the media, which allow record companies, musical productores, advertisers and publicity agencies to online access validation Reports and registered audio through, bringing transparency and credibility to radio stations.


Everything that is aired using our software Playlist Digital is registered and can be accessed throught, turning it into a direct chanel, reliable and safe between radio stations and its advertisers.


  • Complete Manage of insertion orders;
  • Agility as distributing media;
  • Transparency at showing aired media;
  • Security at the verification process.

Advertisers defines as advertisers, the users of the service which directly hire and manage its media airing at the radio station. In this category, apply: freelancers, independent musicians, enterprises which doesn’t have an agency to manage its ads. To advertisers, offers:

Complete control

Using the control panel, the advertiser can verify easily and intuitively how its ads are being aired in one or more radio stations.

Listen the media as transmitted

The advertiser can have complete access to audios of the medias as they were aired by the radio stations, allowing the auditing its medias easily and efficiently.

Online access to validation reports

Showing Beaming validation maps, corresponding to the ads aired, in all contracted radio stations, detailed or short, with the complete information of the media and its airing.

Agencies defines as agencies users that wants to manage media airing of lots of advertisers in more than 1 radio station. In this category, apply: publicity agencies, commercial agents and musical agencies or disseminators.

Manage insertion orders

Tocou allows agencies to distribute and manage Insertion orders and related medias, guaranteeing complete control of its airing.

Online access to validation reports

Showing Beaming validation maps, corresponding to the ads aired, in all contracted radio stations, detailed or short, with the complete information of the media and its airing.

Listen the media as transmitted

The agency has complete access to audios of the medias of its advertisers as they were aired by the radio stations, allowing the auditing its medias easily and efficiently.

Advertisers Management:

Complete management of data and access of its advertisers.

Radio stations: defines as radio stations the ones that want to access its validation reports and programming reports. offers the validation of the media aired such as:

Validation reports:

Auditing airing reports, detailed or short, of your station, with time period, time it was aired and time on the air.

Reports of most played musics and commercials:

View the reports with musics or commercials played during a period of time.

Statistics graphics:

View of statistical graphics showing percentual of musics, spots, pauses, and other medias which compose the programming on a period of time.

Users Management:

Manage the users that’ll have access to the information.


Only the radio station will access the data on its validation reports.
The services to radio stations are available to manage a group of radio stations that belongs to the same enterprise group.

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